Wednesday, March 2, 2011

FYE categorizing madness...

More Blogs coming soon :) Miss all you lovely Babushka's!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Kylie Minogue Vinyl Twitter Contest????

You don't need to go to this Maracas to win you say? They'll send you a copy of a Kylie Minogue Vinyl you say? WOW!!!! I'm in!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

DVD's from over sea's...

I really don't know where to start with Skin's. I actually never even heard of the show until there Promo for the second season got onto youtube.
I advise everyone to check out this great series!
Not much more to say except watch!

Willow Smith's leaked single "I Whip My Hair"!

Last night Willow Smith, nine year old daughter to Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith and sister of Jaden Smith (Recent start of The Karate Kid Remake) , took over the internet with her single "I Whip My Hair"!
Check it out!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Songs I keep on repeat!

I actually heard Crystal Castles after buying the first and second seasons of a amazing show called Skins were they performed a song called "Alice Practice" during one of the most dramatic and touching scenes ever seen on a show. Now with "Celestica" Crystal Castles is giving more dramatics and emotion for our ears to hear, Check it out!

To find out more about Crystal Castles click here

And if your interested in Skins please stay tuned because that show deserves a blog write up all its own!

The Shrek Fish?

So Apparently some scuba divers from the Mother Nature network found a fish that looks like Shrek from the Disney movie... SHREK! No, I'm serious! Its an actual fish known as a Asian Sheepshead Wrasse. This particular fish is supposedly around 30 years old! Now that's what I call shelf life! Then again that saying "You Are What You Eat" wouldn't make me want this no matter how much tarter sauce!

This fish is also considered one of Asia's ugliest fish.

Check out the video and tell me what you think!

Pandora Radio, better then the rest?

Your at your desk at work and decide to play some music, turn on your ITunes library and Browse the radio for something to sooth those work blues. Now what radio station do you play? Yes, there are lots of options to choose from within the ITunes library but there description aren't always up to par and can leave your ears feeling mislead. So what's the solution?

Pandora Radio!

Its so simple, you can either use one of there Station's or create your own. So simple and the web streaming (In my opinion) is also better.
Try it out at and tell me what you think.